2013 February

Search for radio and X-ray counterparts

  • Participants: S. Tamburri,  Ylenia Maruccia, Luigi Manni, Pablo Ramírez, M. Popescu

1st - cone search
- we begin with a catalogue (subsample of MUSIC, from GOODS), with objects from the southern hemisphere
- the approximate radius of the area is 140'arcmin2 (+/-)
- we look for a X-ray catalogue via a CONE SEARCH of 20 arcmin  radius
- WORSE APPROACH: we try B_CHANDRA --> only 4 candidates from Chandra's catalogue seem to be in our catalogue --> we try another
- BETTER APPROACH: we have looked for AGN  catalogues (search by keyword) with X-ray emission directly from the cone search tool in topcat: CDFS catalogue (AGN X-ray properties) Tozzi, et al. 2006
- we found another catalogue from which we find 3 more sources: Trevese 2008

2nd matching catalogues:
- we look for a new catalogue with galaxies and AGNs in radio to remove the AGNs: Khabibullina et al. 2009.
- we also load FIRST catalogue (VLA, 1.4 GHz) from Becker et al. 2012 --> NOT USEFUL, the area of MUSIC catalogue is NOT the same so there won't be any matches.
- Ylenia --> Brown+ 2011
- Sonia --> Yun+ 2001 --> NOT USEFUL, no matches
- we do not seem to find any good catalogue to compare ours with

3rd Chandra CDFS catalogue crossmatch
- this catalogue shows 3 counterparts that fall within the position error bars of CDFS (+/-0.5")
- the precision of MUSIC objects is 0.15"
- from the 3 matches we find a possible position offset in CDFS

Radio counterparts
- we look for a new catalogue in Vizier -> Danielson+ 2012 --> crossmatch with MUSIC retrieves 6 perfect matches!! OLEEEE!
- we measure the distance between the 2 sources of the matches with a skyDistanceDegrees function
- we see that the trend in the separation is statistically stable for the RA coordinates but the DEC coordinates seem to be a bit overestimated for the Danielson catalogue: DEC(Sonia)-DEC(Danielson) < 0 --> DEC(Danielson) may have an offset.

© CAB 2012